Losing Weight While Drinking?

Recently I was asked if I had heard of the ‘Bender Diet.’ Which I had not. When I asked what it was I was told it’s basically a way to lose weight while drinking by eating small amounts of food throughout a drinking bender. I was as intrigued as I was skeptical. Thinking of all the times I’ve awoke really hungover while also feeling ‘skinnier,’ I thought ‘maybe?’ Most everyone who drinks would also like to stay in shape so what is the science behind drinking and keeping off fat? Is there a magical combination of food and drink that can optimize your body’s ability to burn fat?

I went to the Google. The only diet I found called ‘Bender’ was an actual diet by a fitness person named Melissa Bender, not an alcohol related diet. I looked further and although I couldn’t find anything related to what these girls where specifically talking about, I did find some knowledge nuggets. Here are the best tips from what I found.

  • Although there is ‘merit’ to the basic idea of offsetting food calories with alcohol calories, it can easily get complicated. If you do not have food in your stomach before drinking, you will be even more intoxicated, thus lowering your ability to make wise food decisions.
  • Alcohol takes priority in the body. Since it is a toxin, your body stops metabolizing food and only works on the alcohol. The excess calories from the food that does not get metabolized is what turns into fat.
  • Studies have shown those who are capable of consuming only a single glass of red wine per day, not 2+, can benefit more than those who do not drink alcohol at all.
  • When it comes to waist-friendly cocktails, the simpler the drink, the better. Not only do the sweet-and-fancy ones tend to have more calories, but the additional sugar can make you even hungrier: Your blood sugar skyrockets higher than it does on beer, wine, or a shot of something, making the plummet (and the resulting cravings) worse.
  • On days when you are planning to drink ‘heavier’
  1. Keep your fat intake very low on this day.
  2. Eat your protein for the day to preserve muscle mass (lean sources such a chicken, egg whites, casein protein) and restrict carbs to veggies.
  3. Drink shots, dry red wines (they are lower carb), and zero-calorie mixers (I like Coke Zero and Jack) in whatever quantities you want, and don’t feel guilty.

There’s also a story by VICE where one of their contributors tried consuming nothing but booze for a week. As you can guess, it did not end well.

Overall, alcohol is one of the most calorie dense substances in existence. Always in moderation. You need food in your belly. You should exercise regularly to counteract a lifestyle of regular drinking.

If anyone has any good alcohol-diet stories, programs, or info, please share!

Happy larking!


The Alcohol Guide




